Category: Prank

How to Make People Angry

How to Make People Angry

February 23 2015 - Messing with random people could result in death. It's possible this is fake.

Chatroulette Fun

Chatroulette Fun

August 24 2012 - Chatroulette seems to be a magical place full of purple haired monsters in banana hammocks.

The Best Chatroulette Prank Ever

August 20 2012 - This is a pretty easy prank considering all you need to do is find a naked guy lurking on Chatroulette ask him to play with his junk and then reveal that a huge crowd of people just watched him. Best prank ever. ** Edit - Apparently this video violated some policies. Sorry.

Shake Weight Prank

Shake Weight Prank

July 17 2012 - When put in a mans hand the Shake Weight instantly becomes something perverted. Put that same guy on the streets with his Shake Weight and you have this! Brilliance! From the guys at SketchEmpire

Bungee Jump Prank

Bungee Jump Prank

May 21 2012 - Kokovtsov was brought blind folded into bachelor party and he was told that he is going to jump from 50 feet height but it was really funny when he jumped into water from 3 feet above.

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